Blog "Pound" Two

Plant Based versus Animal Based Diets

It's time to give hoot about what we put in our bodies. This is based on a health rationale, and not based exclusively on animal rights. You already know you need to eat more vegetables, so what? Well not only are they delicious but they are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber without all those empty calories "clogging" you up. They also fill you up without adding any extra baggage.  
Lettuce Turnip the Beet!

So, what is a plant-based diet?

Its just THAT! It can be any diet that focuses around foods obtained from plant sources, including veggies, whole grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, and legumes. The purpose is to maximize the consumption of nutrient-dense plant foods while minimizing processed food, oils, animal products, as well as animal bi-products. 

Take advantage of the benefits! 

This is not some farfetched story; Everything we are discussing is based on research. You think you can't live without meat everyday? Well, guess what? You can't live with that either, at least not as long as you should. Eating more plant-based will safeguard your health, & these are only a handful of examples;

You know that thing when cholesterol accumulates on the artery wall and reduces blood flow to your heart? Well, eating more veggies will lower the risk of developing Coronary heart disease. This only means that that you are in fact lowering your cholesterol levels, as well as your blood sugar. Following a diet like this will also lower the rates of diabetes and obesity (as if that wasn't an obvious one). Plus you increase your intake of magnesium, potassium, iron and vitamins. 
You must wonder, where's the protein? Do not fear my fellow meat-eaters! You're not at risk of protein deficiency. Protein is made of amino acids which can also be found in plant based food such as quinoa. 
What about Calcium? Stock your cart with tofu, mustard, turnip greens, boy chow, & kale!
As for your fatty acids, vegans are the most likely to be affected by a deficiency, however if you're not taking your supplements grab some flax seeds, flax oil, or walnuts. 

Based on my future culinary profession it's important for me to implement more plant-based ingredients and foods into my product, not just for my own health benefit, but for others partaking in what i create. Whether it be vegans and vegetarians, or just some chap that has decided to indulge in something delightful without forfeiting his health. 

Flaunt your Flautas!

  1. Preheat oven to 400F. Spray large baking sheet with cooking spray.
  2. Sauté onions and add chili powder, cumin, salt, and garlic. In a large bowl mix together beans, chiles, sautéed onions, and corn. 
  3. Warm tortillas, fill and spread mix, then roll it nice and tight. 
  4. Lightly coat them in cooking spray and bake for 10 minutes, or until golden. 
  5. Serve warm! Garnish with guacamole, salsa or lettuce. 

For more information you can visit:
or Medical News Today


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